Is 14 miles distance really “Travelling” for Muslims to break their fast or is it a Loophole in Islam?

Background – Muslims fast (refrain from Food and Drink, etc) during the day for a whole month. This month is called the Month of Ramadhan. Muslims however, have been permitted to break their fast if they are ill or travelling. Illness is subjective and is left to an individual’s own judgement and/or a doctor’s opinion as to break their fast or not. Travelling on the other hand is specifically determined to be crossing a distance equal to 14 miles outside an individual’s city/town of residence.

Question 1

Q – Driving 14 Miles is only a technicality; even God would know we’re using a religious loophole. Sure, it constitutes travel but is the intention travel? After all, al-a3malo bel-neyyat! (deeds are assessed based on intentions)

Answer 1 –  A Loophole? Allah SWT is The All-Wise, The All-Merciful, The All-Aware and the creator of the universe is much more wise and capable to leave a loophole! It is in fact a mercy and a sign of understanding that inevitably humans will need to travel even in times such as the month of Ramadhan and hence it is to make life easier and for religion to be understanding and practical towards  people’s life.

We must refrain from giving opinions in matters where we have no knowledge about or if we do not hold the appropriate qualification.

Qualifications required are mainly good understanding of Arabic, a set of “Logical principles”“Quranic Sciences” and “Hadeeth Evaluation techniques”. (Generally it takes 10-15 years of intense study and in-depth research to achieve the necessary qualification)*

Question 2

Q – 14 Miles was back in the time where it took them three days to get across on camels and mules. Now I can drive that much in ten minutes. So how can it be the same “travel”?

Answer 2 – The time and speed of travel factor is irrelevant in this case. There are rulings in Islam which must be followed by Muslims irrespective of technological advancements or social changes. For example we can not say we will stop Sala (performing prayer) now and go to Gym instead because back in the day they didn’t have Gym and those movements and postures were for cardiovascular well-being purposes.

Question 3

Q – In the Koran there is no mention of distance, only the phrase “travel” and at the time of the Prophet, 14 Miles constituted travel, because it really was travel. These days however, 14 miles is no more than a 20 minute cruise from my house to work! Unfortunately, our wonderful Maraje3 have failed to update this to go with the times, because they have to deal with more important fatwas, such as how Haram it is to buy Danish cheese…

Answer 3 – There are 3 parts to answer this in enough details:

Part 1 – Obey Allah SWT and the Prophet

1. قُلْ أَطِيعُواْ اللّهَ وَالرَّسُولَ فإِن تَوَلَّوْاْ فَإِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يُحِبُّ الْكَافِرِينَ

سورة آل عمران – سورة 3 – آية 32
Quran Surah 3 – Aya 32

2.وَأَطِيعُواْ اللّهَ وَالرَّسُولَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ

سورة آل عمران – سورة 3 – آية 132
Quran Surah 3 – Aya 132

3. يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ أَطِيعُواْ اللّهَ وَأَطِيعُواْ الرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ فَإِن تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِي شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى اللّهِ وَالرَّسُولِ إِن كُنتُمْ تُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ

سورة النساء – سورة 4 – آية 59
Quran Surah 4 – Aya 59

As a muslim we must take our Ahkam (Rules) from Quran and Prophet’s narrations together as evident by Allah’s commands above. (which is summarised to say Obey Allah and the Prophet). To obey Allah SWT we must obey the prophet as Allah has associated his name (and commands) with the mention of the Prophet (and his commands).

Quran has not mentioned the number of Sala (prayer) Rak’a (prostration) or the details of how it should be performed, or the exact amount of Zakat or the instructions on how to perform Haj but Quran has very clearly said that all these acts are Wajib (obligatory duties). Hence “Muslims” had to follow the Prophet and those who were designated by the prophet as the true and truthful guides and leaders. The Shia believe that there are 12 Imams (infallible leaders) who guide the Muslims after the Prophet has passed away.

Part 2 – The distance

The distance is clearly mentioned in the Prophet’s and Imam’s Hadeeth and very specifically determined.

Why it’s that distance (i.e. just under 14 miles) and not more or less? It is exactly for the same reason why Fajer (Dawn) prayer is 2 Rak’a and Dhuhur (Noon) prayer is 4 Rak’a and Maghreb (Sunset) prayer is 3Rak’a. It is similar to why Muslims must fast the month of Ramadhan rather Muharram, etc. These are divine instructions we may comprehend the causes behind them and may need more research to understand why and some are just so that we show we are true Muslim, those who submit to Allah our creator and the divine commands.

14 miles are only considered from an individual’s city of residence outskirts/boundaries and not from one’s house. It is almost 30 miles across in London for example. If I live in London, I would not break my fast if I travel from one side of London to the other. It is being outside London and crossing a distance more than 14 miles from London’s outskirts which will constitute a Travel Islamically and the relevant rules would apply. If anything as Muslims I would feel very proud to follow a religion with attention to details, clarity and specific instructions where necessary. It is the preciseness that is a cause of admiration. May be one day the science would tell us, as it already did with regards to why it is strongly recommended by the Prophet to break the fast with dates (or a sweet food). What biological or psychological changes would occur once this distance is crossed?

Part 3 – Marje’ Authority

Ignorance is only a SHAME if we do nothing about it. If one does not know something, they should go, research and find out.

A Marje’ (Shia Religious Scholar) has no authority to change a ruling by the Prophet (or Imams) just because one would percieve 14 miles to be “not long enough”. They (Maraje’) must have evidence, it is the uneducated who follow their desires and lack of knowledge. Marje’ must follow evidence and logic.

Finally, I am amazed how some continue to exhibit their inforgiveable ignorance in this day of age.

In fact, Maraje’ kept up very well with time, refer to Fatwa (rulings) on Cloning, Investments Banking, Cosmetic surgery, modern urban planning, etc.

Last but not least, *No* Shia Marje’ has said Danish Cheese is Haram. Now if we don’t call oblivious if not malicious ignorance what should that be called?

*Some may be able to achieve these qualification in shorter time periods. There are no fees required to study in religious seminaries (or Hawza) such as the ones in Najaf (Iraq) or Qom (Iran). It is only the living expenses which will have to be covered by the student during studying. It is worth noting that some limited financial assistance may be provided.

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